Does everybody still think “Creativity” is about commodity? Or have you figured out yet that, like everything else, the Dark Occult Luciferian Overlords ruling this planet have subverted humanity’s natural Creativity which is a God - Earth Connection and a Manifestation Tool, into a commodity so that we would never figure out what it is really for, and constantly be in competition with each other, under a fear of lack, and therefore derail our immense power to manifest and create a world of peace, love, freedom, and liberty for all sentient beings?
I figured it out. The el-ites are super-intelligent, non-human, cold-blooded psychopaths and understand our psychology better than we do, that’s for sure. As a fine artist, I figured out that the process of Creating art is the real “art” and the “shell” which is the “art” itself, is not a commodity to bought and sold in the marketplace.
Hey, I have my MFA! I endured the crazy weird concoction of “art school” the first 4 years a drunken brawl party and the following 2 years of intellectual confusion, lies and cover-ups for no reason but to elevate oneself in the Marxist hierarchy of the New York City Money-Laundering scam of The Emperor Has No Clothes…pied piper over the cliff experience. It left me feeling like my soul had been scraped out of my body with a butter knife.
Like the Tibetan sand paintings, the shell of the spiritual experience, “the artwork”, should be destroyed after it has served it’s purpose, or it can be gifted, or donated to enhance the lives of others, otherwise it carries a weird energy which never resolves itself and it can become highly negative and dangerous, depending upon the circumstances.
The Klippoth, the negative tree of life, as it is described in the Kabbalah, or as “they” like to talk about it in the media programming - The Upside Down is synonymous with the “shell” of the spiritual experience had by the Creator… in Nature itself, it is a husk that falls to the forest floor and is eaten by animals or ground into the Earth for renewal.
Take Marina Abromovic’s “Spirit Cooking” rituals that shocked the world - why is that subversion not an indicator of the correct use of Art; as a ritual channeling of Creation, Manifestation, Concentration, Image-ination? Cannot people see that we, humanity, is all-powerful? That we have the power to Create on a grand scale as long as we respect the Laws of Nature? And, in the ancient past, we were tricked out of our power, to become a slave race and one of our most important connections to the Divine; Creativity has been subverted in this fiat monetary system as a commodity to be bought and sold?
No! I am taking that power back!
And who am I? Just another “unknown” artist who failed to compete with the big boys and gals in the “art world”. That’s right - and I am glad because if I had succeeded, I would still silently be gloating over the “I made-it ideology” and I would still be in competition with my brothers and sisters to make the next series of artworks that will direct the face of humanity on into the future, while really just being a tool for money-laundering for the el-ites. I have a friend, who will remain anonymous, who was approached in New York, to be a visual art mouthpiece for the ruling class and declined, confirming my suspicions.
I am glad I got to find out what was really going on there!
THE ALL is in All, and All is in THE ALL. - The Kybalion.
But is THE ALL in the “shell”? The “shell” is separated from THE ALL in the eyes of mankind and becomes a mass-producible commodity. Of course, THE ALL is still in the “shell” but it can be removed in the minds of powerful individuals and the intellect creates it’s own world of haves and have-nots. That’s how powerful the human mind is. Even though THE ALL is still in every fiber of the “shell” - the human mind can deny that Truth and live in solipsism instead, creating entropy.
Art and other Creative Expressions come from the AEtheric Plane, the Akasha, and are channeled through the Artist, into the Dualistic world.
This term, aetheric, is so occulted that it is not even in the substack dictionary! Yes! The AEtheric Realm, the 5th Element, has been hidden from the main-stream view. Although I am not a big fan of Wikipedia - here it is, discussed there:
Art is what makes me in the image of The Creator - it is a form of Mentalism in which I can Vision the Future as Artist’s have done for centuries. Having practiced eye-hand coordination rigorously, Artists DRAW down the energies of the Cosmos and DRAW up the Earth Energies and combine them into something that has never been done before. The eye and the hand are powerful tools in the energetic sense which extract Life Force energy and channel it into a substrate where that energy is trapped to solidify the vision of the thoughts, emotions, and intuitions which are considered during the art making process.
Even if no one but the creator sees them - they are still present in the Akasha and therefore, an influence. Art is used best for Ritual Practice and then left to disintegrate in humus - ashes to ashes, dust to dust, or destroyed immediately after the Ceremony so as not to fall into the wrong hands.
Mentalism is the first Principle in the Kybalion which is an Introduction to Hermeticism, by The Three Initiates. Mentalism is in Unity Consciousness, with the Creator and tells about how to live in duality using the following 6 Principles of Natural Law, as well as the 8th Lost Law of Care.
Art is a manifestation tool of this practice.
Here is a good example of the Power of Visual Art…